
The changing seasons are very much in sight! This has been such a fun year of ministry, and we hope you are already looking forward to big, beautiful adventures with your family and loved ones this Summer!

Here's what's coming up in our ministry . . .

Hidden Valley Miniature Golf
Date- May 4th from 1-3 pm
Info- Dropoff and Pickup at Lighthouse. $7 per person
Registration- Click Here

Confirmation Sunday
Date- May 5th

Food Bank Distribution
Date- Thursday, May 9th from 4-7 pm
Where- Lighthouse

Graduation Sunday
Date- May 12th

Grade Move-Up Sunday
Date- June 2nd

I AM: A 4-Week Series from the Gospel of John on Jesus.


The best way to know about someone is to let them tell you who they are. We may think we know who Jesus is, but have we let him tell us in his own words? What might happen if we made space for Jesus to speak for himself? There are seven times when Jesus directly told his disciples who he was. In these "I am" statements, he shared with them what it meant to follow him, his heart for others, and how his followers can strengthen their relationships with him and with God. In this four-week series, we'll dive into Jesus' words about himself to learn how his words can reshape our lives today. Through what Jesus says, we'll learn that Jesus is love, is truth, is always with us, and is our savior.

Youth Dinners

Youth Parents, do you have recipes that you love to bake or cook? If so please consider supplying a Wednesday Night Youth Dinner by clicking HERE!

The students always appreciate a good homemade dinner, so thank you in advance to those of you who can help out!

Lighthouse - The Hub

Would you like to keep up to date on everything that is happening at Lighthouse? If so, visit The Hub on our website for all the latest events and news. Click on the link to check it out!


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