We are making a change to our Blessing Box, and are asking our faithful church family to help support this ministry. Our storage space for food items is limited, so instead of bringing the nonperishable items into the church office, going forward we are asking that you place 2-5 items directly in the blessing box each week on various days/times. Items can be baby wipes, toilet paper, canned goods, cereal, snack items, spaghetti noodles & sauce, macaroni & cheese, pouches of potatoes, noodles, etc. Multiple families a day stop by the box for food and many times it is empty. Would you please consider stepping up & helping feed our community in need?

You'll find a fresh PRAYER FOCUS every month so that you can join us in powerful, focused prayer. Click below to go to our Prayer page and... let us pray.

Church Community Builder

At Lighthouse, we aim to provide opportunities for everyone to deepen their relationship with Christ through fellowship and connecting with other believers, as well as serving together! 

On the Hub, you can browse and sign up for events, join us on Church Community Builder (CCB), and check out our weekly newsletter!