Trunk or Treat is a great opportunity for us to serve up some fun to our community is a safe, family-friendly environment. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 26, 6:30-7:30. Decorate your trunk and serve treats to kids from our community. Let us know you're on board to serve by clicking the link.
Last year we partnered with EMSI School District to provide lunch for all of their staff. This year, our God is Big Enough initiative is calling us to pray for each staff member of Dozier Elementary, Watson High School, and Lighthouse Christian Academy. Please sign up to pray for a specific staff person. You may sign up for as many as you want. Your next step will be to pray daily for the staff person every day, mail them a note of encouragement at least four times in the school year, and send them either a gift card, gift basket or some type of small token to let them know they are loved. Sign up through the link below and Nanci Danielsen will contact you with your person's information.
Here's a great way to be a #worldchanger: buy a coat for a low-income student this school year. The 2022 Dozier Coat Drive is underway, and we hope to supply 75-100 coats to students in need. All donations are needed by October 30. Clink the link below to begin.
Faith In Action Sunday is coming up October 16.This is a powerful way for us to be #worldchangers in the community we serve. You'll have an opportunity to get connected to serve over the course of the next two Sundays at HeBrews Cafe. You can also purchase your Faith In Action T-shirt for just $5. Be a part of making a difference and put your faith in action at Lighthouse.
This Sunday, October 9, is our next Connect class. It's a one-time session where you'll explore connections at Lighthouse through LifeGroups, serving, fun events, and following Jesus. Besides meeting Lighthouse staff and members, you'll meet others-just like you-who are thinking of making Lighthouse their home. If you're ready to take the next step in your walk with Jesus or you just want to learn more about us, Connect is the place for you.
Our next blood drive is coming up Sunday, October 16, 8 AM-1 PM. Donors will receive two pairs of special socks as a thank-you. Please bring a photo ID.
New to Lighthouse? We'd love to get to know you better. There will be a special get-together on Monday, October 17, 6 PM. Refreshments will be served and childcare is available. Come and connect with us, ask your questions, and find out how we can work together to be #worldchangers. Please RSVP to Nanci Danielsen by October 16 at the email link below.
Texas Health Faith Community Nursing Is offering Free Flu Shots at Lighthouse on Thursday, October 13, 3-7 PM (while supplies last). Come to HeBrews Cafe.
Free flu shots will be provided to adults and children ages nine and older.
To receive a flu shot you must wear a face covering. You will have your temperature checked, and must not be sick or have had any recent exposure to COVID.
All staff and volunteers will follow the CDC recommendations for infection prevention.