Prayer list


  • Jill Moore is doing well and in good spirits.  She should be moved to rehab sometime today.
  • Gary Rudder continues to improve at rehab.  
  • Sanfora DiMola is now recovering at home after her recent respiratory failure.  Please continue to pray that her road to full recovery is short.
  • Ronda Hilton has been cleared for weight-bearing exercise two weeks before expected because her ankle is healing so well.

Do you have a praise that we can rejoice with you about?  Let us know!

Prayer Requests

  • Please keep Ray Waller in your prayers as he begins radiation and chemo treatments. 
  • Johnny Wayne, Alice Megrail and Georgia Bodkin’s nephew cancer has metastasized to the brain.  
  • Kathy Menton is scheduled for hip replacement surgery on March 3.   Kathy's daughter, Jenifer Abernathy, who lives in San Antonio is scheduled for surgery just 2 days later on March 5.  This will be her 3rd surgery for complications from a car accident 3 yrs ago. 
  • Katie Harnish had ankle surgery to repair torn tendons and ligaments. The surgery went well and but they are seeking prayers for speedy recovery as they adjust to new routines until Katie can walk and drive again in another couple of months.  Please pray for Drew as he tends to Katie and the kids.
  • Frank Reibsome, the father of Sarah Reibsome, has developed kidney disease.
Who’s Your Next One: Pray that Bryson will soon come to the Lord.   
Please join us in praying for local churches:
First Baptist Church Saginaw
Lake Country Church
Continuing Prayer Requests:
Krissie Briggs
Bryan Crawford
Jim & Sandy Lyons
Jan Moore
Jill Moore
Joel Moore
Frank Reibsome 
Amanda Robinson
Gary Rudder
Ron Russell
Marshall Sansbury
Andrew Vinet
Lavenia Weathers
Piper Williams