
Happy summertime, friends! We hope your family is having a blast and enjoying this incredible season. And if you're not . . . well, what are you waiting for? Have some fun!

Here's what's coming up in our ministry . . .

NOT OKAY: A Series from the Gospels on Stress & Anxiety


Take a deep breath. Count to ten. Unclench your jaw. Close your eyes. (Or don't, since you're trying to read). You've probably learned a trick or two like this to help you feel with feelings of stress, worry, or overwhelm. Unfortunately, there are a lot of reasons to feel stressed on most days. So between school, family, relationships, and questions about our future, what can we do about everything that's causing us stress? During Jesus' ministry, he spent a lot of time with people during some really stressful moments. In this four-week series from the Gospels, we'll see how, when we're not okay, Jesus offers hope. We'll discover that when people reject us, Jesus never will. And we'll be reminded that when it's not easy to do what's right, it's still worth it.

Here's your daily dose of kiddie cuteness - watch kids enjoy a meal that their grandparents loved when they were children.

Watch "Kids Try Their Grandparent's Childhood Favorite Food" here

Youth Dinners

Youth Parents, do you have recipes that you love to bake or cook? If so please consider supplying a Wednesday Night Youth Dinner by clicking HERE!

The students always appreciate a good homemade dinner, so thank you in advance to those of you who can help out!

Lighthouse - The Hub

Would you like to keep up to date on everything that is happening at Lighthouse? If so, visit The Hub on our website for all the latest events and news. Click on the link to check it out!


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