
It's a new month, so we're starting a new and exciting series. We are so grateful that you are invested in your teenager's life and spiritual journey!

Here's what's coming up in our ministry . . .

Food Bank Distribution
Date- Thursday, March 13th from 4-7 pm
Where- Lighthouse

Middle School- Board Game Night
Date- Friday, March 14th from 5-8 pm
Info- Dinner and Games at Lighthouse

Spring Break Mission Projects

Date- March 17-20th from 9-4 pm
Info- We are partnering with Servolution again to serve our local community over spring break.
Where- Dropoff and Pickup at Lighthouse
Registration- Click Here

THE MAKING OF: A 4-Week Series from the New Testament on Spiritual Formation

Good movies capture our imaginations and transport us to other worlds. As we watch our favorite movies with popcorn in hand, we may not realize all of the work, edits, and rewrites that went into making the cinematic masterpiece. The same is true of our faith, too. We might expect our relationship with God to look like a finished product, but really, our faith and relationship with God are still in the making. In this 4-week series from the Gospels and Epistles, we'll explore what can happen when we invest in spiritual formation. We'll see how spending time with God can make us more like Jesus and how when we face temptation, we can ask God for help. We'll also discover how with God, difficult moments can help our character grow and how we grow when we make things right with God.

Are any of the teenagers in your small group looking for a study Bible for the first time? There are so many good options to choose from, but here's one they might particularly enjoy interacting with.

NIV Starting Place Study Bible

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Youth Dinners

Youth Parents, do you have recipes that you love to bake or cook? If so please consider supplying a Wednesday Night Youth Dinner by clicking HERE!

The students always appreciate a good homemade dinner, so thank you in advance to those of you who can help out!

Lighthouse - The Hub

Would you like to keep up to date on everything that is happening at Lighthouse? If so, visit The Hub on our website for all the latest events and news. Click on the link to check it out!


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Lighthouse Fellowship · 7200 Robertson Rd · Ft Worth, TX 76135 · USA

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